Friday 7 November 2014

Bait by M. Mabie REVIEW!!!!

Bait by M. Mabie

He was trouble from the start, but I couldn't resist. [She was the best kind of trouble. The kind that was so wrong, it felt right.]
I’ve tried and failed to stay away from him. [I’ve done everything in my power to make her mine and keep her.]

He’s almost impossible to say no to. [She never tells me yes.] We’re always fighting. [When we’re not fighting, we’re… well… making up.] He makes me laugh so hard. [I miss her laugh the most.] I'm a liar. [She knows the truth, but won’t admit it.] Sometimes, I wish I'd never met him. [I wish we could meet all over again. I'd do better.] His girlfriend knows. [The guy she’s with is a fool.] I’ll never love anyone like I love him. [She doesn’t love me enough to choose us.] It was the wrong place. [It was the wrong time.] It should have been him. [It will always be her.]

My Review

When an author tells you that you may not like their book and that you'll need to ''vent'' after you've read it, you tend to have a few...reservations? about its content. In this instance, it turned out to be a fair warning! I'm not going to lie to you here dear readers, this book wont be for every one! If you see the world in black and white, right and wrong, truth or lie, then I doubt you'll enjoy it...having said that, I think you should read it anyway! it may enlighten you on some of the worlds less than ambiguous qualities. Mabie has done something a tad controversial here...she's written a book about a young woman who makes a series of choices that leads her to an unfortunate situation, not one she'd planned, but one that (in my opinion) could happen to almost anyone. Blake found herself engaged to her ''safe'' fiancé, a man who would always stick by her side and with whom she could willingly entrust her heart and her future. He offered her everything she thought she should want...a house, children, a career and marriage...after all, as women, that's what we're programmed to assume that we need isn't it? Until she meets Casey...the anti-safe choice. He made her heart hammer in her chest and her pants melt on the spot! he was exciting and different and everything about him screamed how precarious a relationship with him could be. Here comes the dilemma that I faced when reading Bait...what do you listen to when making your choices? your heart? your head? your libido? or a mixture of all 3? what if all 3 are pulling you in 2 different directions? two different men....would you be strong enough to walk away? or would you do as Blake did and sample the forbidden fruit? Whatever your answer...I defy you not to be able to relate (at least on some level) with Blake.
Bait, in my opinion, is a 'must read' it wont always be comfortable or safe...but rather like Casey, it's one hell of a ride! 4 stars!

Here are a few places where you can connect with M. Mabie!

Buy Links

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